
Who am I? And what is this place about?

I'm not sure if either of those questions are easy to answer but let me give it a try!

My name is Amanda, missmandapanda pretty much everywhere I am online, and I'm a 23 year old unending source of energy.  I have a degree in Marketing, currently looking for a position somewhere, but my dream is to write books.  I am an avid reader, reading probably a couple hundred books a year, most of them being old literature, obscure out of print authors/books, Regency & Victorian period, fantasy/magic, and anything that just happens to catch my fancy (I'm such a book nerd the librarians at school used to ask me about what books to add to the school's library!).  I start writing a new story on a daily basis, getting pages down before I decide to start penning some thing else that was floating around in my head, unfortunately pushing my bad habit of not finishing one of my books haha. 

In between reading way too much and writing down my imagination I manage to fit in a love for photography, a need of great food, being a complete dork, some crafts, the pursuit to learn everything I have wanted to know how to do, movies, cultures, art, my family, and friends.

This blog is a place I want to share my ramblings about a zillion different things from my life to my opinion on well, pretty much anything.  When I started it I didn't realize how much work a blog like this would take, so now that I can focus on more than studying and praying I wouldn't blow a final, I plan on working harder to update regularly and with something fun to read.

I write about books, clothes, crafts, photography, food, life, the nifty, the random, and everything else.

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