Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Today Started With A Burn

I drove by this inferno this morning.  The traffic just suddenly started stopping and when I looked to see what it was, all you could see was black smoke.  This looks tamer than it did in person.

Here is a pretty cool LOTR poster set I found on Reddit:

(by mondo)
Pretty awesome.  Major talent!

This is a really cool idea if you don't have a closet!

I need to build a bunch of book cases so that I can just get stacks of books off the floor!  My closet is ridiculously full as well!  I think I'm just going to get rid of half of what is in there.  I already got rid of four or five huge bags recently.

Have to look in to that when I get home.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Merlin (aka Things That Keep Me Distracted)

Lets just get the ball rolling why don't we?

These two lovely men:

Colin Morgan and Bradley James(aka Merlin & Arthur) from Merlin.

Those pictures are from when they went on a trip to research the legend of King Arthur and Merlin. I've been very distracted lately watching the show, and reblogging a ridiculous amount of those two, and the rest of the Merlin cast/show, on my tumblr.

I've always been really fascinated by the tales of Camelot, I've probably read every wikipedia article on it (not that that means I know everything possible-but it is wikipedia so you never know...). I'm currently finishing up Le Morte D'Arthur by Thomas Mallory. It is considered the oldest and best source of the tales.

The show is pretty awesome, and totally worth a watch, not just for those two boys either. Too bad I couldn't go to Comic-Con to meet Colin this year! :(

I'm going to go back to being distracted by the gloriousness that is BBC's Merlin!

Monday, July 2, 2012

Things I Find on Reddit

Space Balls references that make me laugh:

Pretty interiors:

posted by yeebianca

Can't believe that someone actually put this up (and only hours away from me):

posted by unibod

Absolutely love Reddit! Check it out if you have time!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


It's been almost two months since I last updated.

Absolutely no excuses, I've been busy with a new job and when I finally get home I just want to veg out. I recently purchased an iPad (typing on it right now!) and I'm hoping this will help with keeping up with this and my other blogs.

I will say, as a warning, that I'm not sure how well the photos I post from here will load. I'm going to have to load them using code, rather than from the uploader here, because I cannot find a way to edit pixel size on an iPad! You would think there would be at least one app for that but alas, there are none. If someone knows of one please let me know!

In the mean time, I guess I should finally pick a real subject for this blog. Right now it is really just my comings and goings, the things I like and my opinions on random things. It's hard to pick just one thing to focus on, especially when my life is never focused on any one thing. I'm no chef, nor do I have the money to be constantly updating about the exotic things I'm eating, but I do love food, I'm no great artist, or techie, or writer, but I dabble in it all. It may be that this blog will always be about random things, and probably rarely read, but that's okay, I'm sure someone somewhere will find it interesting enough to read a bit.

I still am making some layout changes, I was doing so before I stopped updating in May, so please pardon the construction.

This was just a quick update to show that I didn't fall off the ends of the earth, and will be around to update more often.

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